Roger's Aquatics Pages

Roger's Aquatics Pages

21st March 2007. A bit of an apology to anyone who has attempted to e-mail me in the last I don't know how long. A while ago my ISP changed the cgi server. I moved the script for this mailto page to the new server and then I forgot to change this page to look at it. When I tested it it worked because the old server was still there and I was still running on the old script. This will teach me to check the web logs more often. I wondered why the complete silence.

Now an explanation. People have asked why I don't simply put a mailto tag on the page and let your e-mail program handle it. The answer is that Spammers harvest e-mail addresses from web pages. This application - cgi-mailer - stops them dead. If anyone wants a copy it used to be available by clicking the image below, but the page has moved. I'll e-mail you a copy if you want

From: (your e-mail address - if you don't give your address I won't be able to reply)



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